When I ventured into the Etsy waters a friend of mine(well she is practically my cousin:) suggested that I join this Etsy group that she was in. Not wanting to get too involved I hesitated at first. The more I though about it I decided "what the heck" and dove on in. I'm so glad that I did!! I have met such wonderful people who are always willing to lend advice, an ear or a shoulder if need be. One of the great gals I have met is this lady. We have a lot in common. We both love our craft, we both want our craft to sell well:) and we both have outdoors-men for husbands! Ive really enjoyed this cyber friendship and all the others I have met through our awesome group. So with-out further ado I would like to introduce YOU to one of my friends! SassyBelleWares.

Sassy tell us How you got started on Etsy? I read about it in the NY Daily News and loved it the minute I went to the site. I was a champion buyer for about a year and then decided to try as a seller.
What was your inspiration for your shop? Mostly seeing
something I like and thinking "What could I do with th
at to make it wearable?!" My cocktail monkey necklaces are the perfect example of that. I love CM and wanted a way to always have him with me!
Okay now what would your fantasy job be? Being a Broadway star...specifically musicals. And, no, I cannot sing o
r dance!
Do you have a favorite author? When you read, do you use a proper bookmark, bend the page, or grab anything handy to mark your place?
Adriana Trigiani...when you read her books you feel like you are right there with the characters. I use a proper bookmark...they are one of the things I think you can never have enough of!
If money was no object and you can live wherever you want….where
would that be? NYC and upstate NY. I absolutely love NYC and would love to live there. Hubby would love to live on a huge hunk of land. So, if money was not an issue I would love to have both so we could go back and forth. Also, a big hunk of land would allow me to rescue homeless animals and give them a place to live!
What is your best childhood memory? My best childhood memory is growing up surrounded by a huge loving family and true friends. No matter what the occasion, fun, happy, serious, or sad there was always a gazillion people my parents, my brother, and I could count on to be there without having to ask.
And What's your favorite shop item and why? Right now, my flapper rings because I am obsessed with the HBO show Boardwalk Empire!
Now we all just have to know.....what's your favorite
kind of cupcake ;) ? Cupcakes are one of my obsessions and I have NEVER met a cupcake I didn't like. My faves are vanilla vanilla from Billy's bakery in NYC and coconut from Crumbs
And Last but not least list 3 of your favorite Etsy shops. I have so many b
Another fave is a more recent discovery, Bungalow Bath & Body:
http://www.etsy.com/shop/BungalowBathBody The whipped sugar scrubs are perfect...moisturizing but not greasy and they smell so delicious I have to keep reminding myself I cannot eat them! The pancake breakfast is a must! I have ever seen!
Thank you sassy for taking the time to get to let us get to know the

artist behind the art:)
Be sure and ch
eck out SassyBellWares and SassyBelleButtons
You are in for a wonderful treat! Also check out the Courage for Kristi shop. Sassy donated some really great pieces for a wonderful cause!!!